
Improve Your Ski Performance

A lot of us ski a few times a year, but we don’t condition our bodies beforehand. Add these to your fitness regime and join a Get Fit to Ski class to improve your ski performance before your ski trip!

Glute strengthening

No sport uses the glute muscles as much as skiing. Having great control of the hips is important for your turns, so make sure you work on strengthening the Gluteus Medius! Our physiotherapists can show you some great workouts to strengthen the glutes and lower limb muscles.


The fitter you are, the more you’ll enjoy your time on the slopes. The chairlift up the mountain will only give you so much rest! Try to cycle, run or use an elliptical trainer as regularly as you can. this is the easiest way to improve your baseline endurance and fitness levels.

Alternatively, our Sports Focus practices have the space and equipment to help you train the right muscles for skiing. We’ll use equipment and exercises that use many of the same techniques and muscles as skiing.


Many people place too much weight on the back of the ski. Keeping your weight eventually distributed from the front to the back will give you more speed and control. A great way to practice your weight-bearing is with a bosu ball, balance board or duradisc. We have this equipment available at our Sydney physio practices and we are more than happy to show you how to improve your balance for ski performance.

If you do the above in the lead up to your ski trip, you’ll not only perform better on the slopes, but you’ll also be less likely to experience injuries. Prevention is better than a cure! If you would like to improve your ski performance further, have a look at our Get Fit to Ski classes. Or contact Sports Focus for more information about ski fitness and conditioning.

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