
Pregnancy Back Pain

Low back pain  and hip are a common occurrence during pregnancy. In fact, up to 50% of women experience some discomfort. Hormones are released during pregnancy, which softens can affect the back and pelvic ligaments. At the same time, the baby’s weight and size rapidly grows and the core muscle support decreases as abdominal muscles are stretched. This shifts your centre of gravity, putting extra strain and pressure on the spine.

Maintain good postural habits

There are many ways to reduce lower back pain during pregnancy. Try to keep good postural alignment to lessen the strain that pregnancy places on the joints. Stay as active as your physiotherapist recommends. Depending on your individual situation, body and needs, doing some exercise can help you to reduce back pain during pregnancy.

Reduce back pain with exercise

Moderate exercise  5 x per week, helps you to stay in shape and maintain the postural muscles that support your back. Short daily walks are an easy way to incorporate exercise into your schedule. Make sure that when you try to avoid carrying a bag while out for a walk. If you must, use a backpack to help keep good postural habits. Keep your arms down by your side and allow them to swing gently and naturally. This encourages good, deep breathing and mobilises the spine.

Swimming is also a fantastic exercise to incorporate into your routine. The water alleviates the extra load that you’re carrying. Just be sure to take care when getting in and out of the pool!

Clinical Pilates is another safe activity for pregnant women to carry out. This low-impact exercise specifically targets the postural muscles, helping you to strength and condition them.

Avoid lifting heavy weights. If you have been lifting weights at the Gym , seek guidance on weight and exercise changes that will need to be incorporated into your program. Pregnancy makes the joints and muscles vulnerable to stretch. If you are lifting, make sure you squat and lift with your legs. Don’t bend or twist the body while lifting and don’t lift with your back muscles. Breathe while lifting, and if the weight is heavy, be sure to ask for help.

Pain isn’t a normal part of pregnancy. If you’re experiencing any pain, see your women’s health physiotherapist for options to relieve your symptoms and minimise discomfort. Book online today to see a Sydney physio near you!