
Return to Sports after COVID-19

The NSW Government has announced that indoor fitness facilities such as gyms, indoor pools, leisure centres and health and dance studios are now reopened. Sports and recreation organisations can now increase to groups of 20 for outdoor non-contact sporting activities, while still following social distancing guidelines. Junior and senior community sports teams can start playing again from Wednesday 1 July.

Now, we know that you’re excited about this news and can’t wait to get back into sports. But before you put on your football boots or grab your tennis racket, it’s important that you know about the risk of returning to sports too soon.

Importance of a gradual return to sports

Many of us have spent the past few months keeping fit by running or cycling. While these are great ways to exercise, they’re not a substitute for skills like kicking, tackling, pivoting and sprinting. The long layoff from sports can increase your chances of sustaining soft-tissue injuries. Extended periods away from sports can lead to a deconditioning of your muscles, reducing your body’s capacity for loading. This means that although you could comfortably play football or netball four months ago, there’s a chance that your body will need time to adjust to the increase in load when you return to sports

After such a lengthy layoff from sports, it’s important that you prepare the body for an enjoyable return to play. Four to six weeks of training with gradual increase in intensity may be required before you are match ready. As your strength, fitness and game sense return, you can increase your playing minutes and loading. This transition back into play should be monitored by a physiotherapist to minimise risk of injury and maximise your chances of a successful return to sports.

Return to sports safely

Be patient – you’ll return to your former sporting capabilities in time. For now, see your Sports Focus physio and use these next few weeks to recondition and strength your body. Contact us or book online now.