
Tendon Pain Sufferers – Recent research reveals how your brain can help relieve the pain

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Steve Naylor Pricipal Physiotherapist At Sports Focus Physio Castle Hill talks about recent research commentary from Monash University “Brain Training to Give Tendon Pain the Boot”


Ebonie Rio and her team of researchers including Craig Purdham and Jill Cook have lead the world in tendon research over the last decade.

Thanks to their efforts Physiotherapists are now at the forefront of recognising and managing tendon related injuries, in particular chronic tendinosis. Understanding the pathophysiology of chronic tendon conditions is important but there is still so much that is not known including the specific painful nature of these injuries.

Utilising what has been published so far to manage chronic and subacute tendon injuries has proven extremely useful on a day-to-day basis at Sports Focus Physiotherapy. The use of static loading in the initial phases of treatment allows the athlete to regain confidence and muscle strength. We want to load the affected tendons as tolerated. Progressing then to other loading phases including range of motion and finally return to sport is also very important and must be well monitored.

The addition of an external stimulus (Tendon Neuroplastic Training) such as a metronome(timing device such as those used in piano teaching to keep the beat) to guide the athlete’s movements proves a great addition to the rehabilitation regime.

The work of Lorimer Mosely and David Butler at the Neuro Orthopaedic Institute is of course well known and, highly respected world-wide. The combination now of these brilliant researchers to produce new work on chronic tendon pain management is exciting.

For physiotherapists around the world it enables us to better manage our patients and athletes, thus allowing return to sport or work where previously that may have been difficult.

Physiotherapy for tendon pain sufferers

For any tendon problems the physiotherapists at any of our Sports Focus Physiotherapy locations around Sydney would be happy to provide a thorough assessment, treatment and management program. Book online now.

Steve Naylor, BSc, BAppSc(PHYSIO), APAM
Principal Physiotherapist & Director
Sports Focus Physiotherapy
