
Physiotherapy for Arthritis

Are your joints creaky, stiff or ‘popping’? If you’re over the age of 65, this may be a sign of arthritis. However, being diagnosed with arthritis isn’t all doom and gloom. Keeping strong and active will help you lead a full life without being hindered by the symptoms of arthritis.

Physiotherapy for arthritis treatment

You cannot undo the wear and tear in your joints, which is a normal part of aging. But with the right physiotherapy treatment and advice, arthritis sufferers can reduce their symptoms and perform more activities with less pain. The key is to take an active part in your arthritis treatment and commit to your physiotherapy program.

Our Sports Focus physiotherapy team is highly experienced in treating arthritis and will provide you with:

  • Soft tissue and joint mobilisation to reduce pain and improve mobility
  • Techniques for managing swelling, flares and joint pain
  • Put together a personalised home exercise program to restore and maintain strength and joint mobility
  • General nutrition and exercise advice

Get physiotherapy treatment

We will assess your individual condition and put together a physiotherapy treatment plan that caters to your needs, goals and lifestyle. The key to your success is to consistently practise the exercises taught to you by your arthritis physiotherapist. Your body will become stronger and more adept with regular practice.

If you have arthritis, inaction and breaks from physical activity are the worst solutions for improving your condition. Movement may cause some discomfort but moving regularly and maintaining your strength will help minimise long-term pain. Getting arthritis physiotherapy treatment will help set you on the path to living a life with less pain and more movement.

Start reducing your pain, improving your function and maintaining your condition. Contact Sports Focus Physiotherapy to find out more about how physiotherapy treatment can help with your arthritis or book online today.

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